The European Confederation of Fuel Distributors

ECFD represents the interests of more than 10,000 independent distributors of liquid fuels, ensuring that demands of fuel retailers are heard at the EU level.

Our members provide a range of products and services to European consumers. With an average of 60% of independent petrol stations being family-owned, ECFD members supply tens of millions of tonnes of conventional fuels, biofuels, LPG and CNG.

Furthermore, our members own convenience retail outlets and motorway service areas providing a vital service to local communities in cities and rural areas. They also supply fuels used in agricultural machinery and shipping as well as manage direct B2B relationships with road haulage companies.

Board and Secretariat

President: Udo Weber

Vice-President: Jürgen Roth

Secretary General: Christiaan Boiten

Head of Brussels Office: Johan Mattart

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